2023 White Cane Event

DID YOU KNOW? The  white cane with its current configuration was invented in Peoria, Illinois, CICBVI owns it, and we have it on display at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.  That’s something worth celebrating right? Read more about it here.

We are excited to celebrate National White Cane Safety Day at the Peoria Riverfront Museum on October 15, 2023 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Gilmore Auditorium doors open at 5:45 and cocktail hour is 6-7pm. You will enjoy entertainment by local favorite Dexter O’Neal and the FunkYard, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres. From the Sculpture Garden, you can view the lighting of the Murray Baker bridge in red and white, in honor of our celebration.    Dinner will start at 7pm and our program will follow.  Tickets are $100 per person.  Enjoy an evening with us as we celebrate National White Cane Safety Day!

Please complete the form below. Note that “tickets” will not be mailed to you, but your reservations are waiting at the front door at the start of the event!